Learn a truly relaxing meditation practice in this 4-step 1 to 1 online course
Take control of Your Life
Learn how to manage stress and reduce anxiety in your life in this 4-session personalised online Meditation program
Learn a truly relaxing meditation practice in this 4-step 1 to 1 online course
Learn how to manage stress and reduce anxiety in your life in this 4-session personalised online Meditation program
Meditation is the tool for rediscovering the body's own inner intelligence. Practised for thousands of years, it is not about forcing the mind to be quiet; it is the journey from Activity into Silence, finding the silence that's already there, and making it part of your life.
Practising Meditation daily can help you;
Manage stress
Reduce anxiety
Improve your relationships
Create Inner Peace
Awaken Your Intuition
Enhance your Sleep
Lower Blood Pressure
Connect to Spirit
As you build up your daily meditation practice, you will feel calmer, more in control and more certain of
- Who You Are
-What you want
-What you are grateful for
Deepak Chopra M.D
My Name is Keelin Fitzgerald, and I am a Certified Chopra Meditation instructor. I live in Ireland with my husband and 2 sons. Though I worked in Finance for over 20 years, my passion has always been in Wellness and the Holistic approach to life.
Mantras are a tool used in Meditation to take the mind's focus away from thoughts and into the silence, as you repeat them silently. In this 4 session program, you will gain a deep understanding of meditation, develop a relaxing daily meditation practice, and receive your own personal mantra...
Mediation comes from the Vedic Tradition, an ancient Indian philosophy dating back to 1500 BCE whose fundamental teaching is that we are multi-dimensional beings, made up of 3 basic components; the physical body, the mind/intellect/ego and the soul or spirit. We live simultaneously in all 3 layers, but sometimes don't look beyond the first 2. In Meditation the separation between the 3 layers dissolves....